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產學攜手打造 不一樣的地方產業! 不一樣的鄉村旅遊!

The USR project of developing the regional industry-academia cooperation in the realm of rural tourism in Nantou
advancing local industries
教育部大學社會責任計畫(University Social Responsibility; USR)是台灣未來高等教育的重心,期望將大學研究能量與地方發展連結,以合作共創方式創新教學並帶動地方繁榮發展。本計畫以「產學攜手共學」的方式,進行水沙連地方產業與鄉村旅遊鏈結發展計畫,以「觀光」和「農業」為主軸,推動在地產業與觀光結合,讓傳統在地產業轉型走向觀光化,由農業生產兼營觀光服務進行產業轉型,讓在地特色產業經營形態更趨多樣化與精緻化,並朝向國際觀光發展。

The Ministry of Education in Taiwan launches the University Social Responsibility (USR) Projects, which is one of the major goals of Higher Education Cultivation Project. The USR projects play a critical and important role to align universities’ academic strengths with the future development directions of higher education and the process of regional innovation development. The purpose of the current USR project is to improve universities’ local connections, encourage teachers/students to meet their social responsibilities in developing the regional industry-academia cooperation in the realms of tourism and agriculture. The current plan is to stimulate regional growth of tourism industries through implementing interdepartmental, and interdisciplinary collaborations among students and teachers in transforming the traditional farming business to rural tourism.

The purpose of the current USR project is to improve universities’ local connections, encourage teachers/students to meet their social responsibilities in developing the regional industry-academia cooperation in the realms of tourism and agriculture. The Department of Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management at National Chi Nan University, dedicates to the USR project in providing a local connection and talent cultivation platform for local industry-academia cooperation as well as industrial development, particularly on the coffee industry, Bed and Breakfast industry and leisure agricultural areas. Specifically, the current project is to dedicate the development of local industries by promoting the brand image of Nantou’s coffee, cultivating the personal of Bed and Breakfast industry, enhancing the agricultural tourism experience, developing the gourmet cuisine with local food products, and promoting local specialties and souvenir.
1. 國立暨南大學地方產業創生中心 2. 水沙連地區 3. 日月潭 4. 埔里 5. 魚池 6. 竹山 7. 南投縣桃米休閒農業區 8. 日月星舞咖啡莊園 9. 馨晴咖啡莊園 10. 南投縣埔里鎮草湳
1. 推動水沙連地區地方產業與鄉村旅遊發展產學攜手共學平台,落實社會責任。 2. 加強咖啡種植與後製能力,提升品質,促進咖啡產品知名度。 3. 民宿經營同質性高且模式單一,及國際接待服務能力不足。 4. 解決南投縣休閒農業區最重要之農村體驗強度不夠問題為首要目標。 5. 解決飲食元素相似度過高,提升美食創新度,有系統地進行跨組織、產業的共同行銷。 6. 尋覓可信賴的食材來源,提高青農與小農產品競爭力,將農特產品提升至精品層次。
1. 透過地方產業創生中心,帶動產官學共學與合作。 2. 透過辦理咖啡實作共學課程與咖啡專業技術共學活動,並進行產學跨域合作實踐。 3. 透過產業實務共學機制與外語領航員培訓計畫提升民宿國際接待能力。 4. 以農村體驗共學場域整合規劃具永續社區觀光特色之農業體驗遊程活動。 5. 以產學共學之課程與活動進行跨域合作,完成美食創新和共同行銷活動 6. 建立連結消費者與青農/小農之平台,透過共學提升伴手禮的設計能量。
1. 地方文創、景觀、產業、藝術、觀光跨域加值,吸引年輕人建立魅力農村。 2. 暨大觀餐系成為咖啡產銷推廣中心,提升水沙連地區咖啡產業與地方發展。 3. 以民宿為平台整合相關產業並完善人才培育機制,策略轉型帶動產業發展。 4. 推動全民永續生態與責任旅行,整合資源以實踐永續社區觀光特色之農村體驗。 5. 埔里餐飲跨界、跨域交流共學,發展具備創新餐飲與食農教育之聯合行銷平台。 6. 提升國內鄉村精品曝光率,爭取更多水沙連農特產品之國際行銷通路與知名度。