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Community Empowerment: Developing an Aging in Place Integrated Services Project
food safety and long-term care

There is no stopping the rapid ageing of Taiwan’s demographics: The elderly and disabled population is estimated to balloon to one million people by 2026 from 2017’s seven hundred and forty thousand. Care for disabled and the elderly has become a heavy burden on both individual families and the government alike. Thus, through the marriage of minds from multiple universities and multiple expertise, National Yang Ming University aims to establish supporting curriculums which will allow students to take root in the community and combine utilize local resources to tackle the problems encountered in aged care. The project aims to develop local, innovative methods to aid the development of local communities, ultimately leading to the independence of local communities and meeting the social responsibilities of universities.
本計畫將關注與本校長期的合作的區域:臺北市北投石牌地區及新北市三芝區社區之重要社會議題。經實地訪談踏查了解社區主要問題與需求,發現以下主要問題:長輩體能逐漸衰退、居家及公共環境空間限制、社會參與不足、社區產業衰退,以上都加速長者衰弱及退化,在缺乏持續性支持系統的狀態下,造成家庭及社會的負擔。 本計畫規劃四大策略:(一)扶植社區運動團體,促進長者體能;(二)培力社區據點量能,支持在地關懷照顧;(三)排除環境障礙,改善環境安全;(四)改造在地產業模式,發展銀髮企業。透過在地連結,與社區對話,共同盤點社區重要議題,結合社區組織及政府部門共同推動。

This project shall focus on the societal issues and needs of the communities that have long-term, ongoing cooperative relationships with the university; namely the Shi Pai community of the Beitou district in Taipei City and the San Zhi community in New Taipei City. After conducting interviews with the locals to better understand the needs and problems they face daily, we have found the problems to be as follows: 1. The deterioration of stamina and muscle strength in the elderly population 2. Restrictive private living spaces and public spaces 3. Low level of communal participation and 4. The decline of industry in the community. These factors all induce the rapid ageing and deterioration of the elderly, which burdens individual families and society as a whole when there are no continual supporting systems to alleviate the load. This project has four main strategies to solve the problems mentioned above: 1. Support existing local groups that promote elder exercise to help maintain the elderly’s stamina and muscle power 2. Support local community care groups 3. Remove environmental hazards in private and public spaces to improve the safety of the elderly and 4. Improve the local industries to create businesses run by the local elders. Through connecting with the local communities and talking out the needs and problems the community faces, the project will bring local groups and governmental departments together to solve the community’s problems and needs.
一、身體活動不足,加速身心退化 社區中雖辦理諸多老人文康活動,但提供的時間不足,部分長輩則因身心及環境的障礙無法參與,又無獲得適當的指導,造成與社會更加脫節,影響身心健康。 二、長者衰弱失能,加重照顧負荷 老年人身體隨年齡老化與失能,年輕人長年在外工作,留下老人照顧老老人的困境,長照服務則因經濟因素或對內容不了解,不願意接受服務,無法獲得足夠的照顧支持。 三、環境空間障礙,增多跌倒事件 社區中多為老舊公寓建築或居住偏遠山區,巷弄狹窄或出入不方便,限制了長輩活動,經常發生跌倒事件,居家及公共空間已不適合長輩居住與行走。 四、長者年老體衰,農業生產衰退 三芝地區年輕族群外移,長者體力衰弱,農業生產逐漸衰退,社區自主力量薄弱,長期仰賴外來資源,缺乏持續性支持系統。
一、扶植社區運動團體,促進長者體能 培植社區運動團體並逐漸擴增運動時段,引進運動專業人力,設計多元運動技能,訓練學生帶領志工引導長者體能訓練,持續辦理各項運動團體,鼓勵長者參與,提升健康體能。 二、培力社區據點量能,支持在地關懷照顧 針對社區無法出來參與活動之獨居、衰弱、失能及失智長者,由志工陪同老師學生進行居家關懷訪視,依其需求轉介政府長照資源,並透過學校師生或聯結專業團體提供專業的協助,以補足政府部門資源的缺口。 三、排除環境障礙,改善環境安全 因應社區公共環境安全問題,逐步建立社區公共環境安全評估指標,與社區共同討論社區環境安全及改善建議,提出改善策略。 四、改造在地產業模式,發展銀髮企業 運用在地特色,發展適合長者操作的工作型態,規劃產業模式,傳承長者經驗,實際導入老人經營之模式,讓長者有發揮功用的機會,貼補家庭收入,激發長者參社會參與的動力。