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Developing a Model of Sustainable and Educational Tourism in Mountains and Indigenous Communities: Cooperation between NTTU and Indigenous People in Taitung

Developing a Model of Sustainable and Educational Tourism in Mountains and Indigenous Communities: Cooperation between NTTU and Indigenous People in Taitung
National Taitung University

National Taitung University (NTTU) facilitates local communities to take responsibility to sustain their economy and environment. Practicing our social responsibility, NTTU educates university students and the youth of local indigenous communities to become the professionals of mountain recreation, conservation and tourism. Working together with students, residents, and government departments, NTTU encourages and assist the youth to return to their communities to join recreational businesses as a part of their sustainable development roadmap.

In this project, NTTU collaborates with Jinfong Township Office to develop sustainable tourism that protects the environment and local cultures. Hundreds of students from three school departments (i.e., the Department of Cultural Resources and Leisure Industries, the Department of Physical Education, as well as the Department of Education Industry and Digital Media) participate in our events and teaching activities. In Jinfong, students learn key ideas and practices of cultural diversity, digital resources, tour route planning and guided tours with commentary. By acknowledging the subjectivity of local tribes, the students create new core values that shed light on interactions, cooperation and expertise sharing.
臺東縣金峰鄉(22°35'40.7"N 120°57'38.6"E)

Jinfong was one of the many tribes being severely hit by Typhoon Morakat in 2009.The residents of Buliblosan, one of the tribes located in Jinfong, has been rebuilding their tribe since the disaster. They currently maintain their indigenous cultures and protect their natural resources. Simultaneously, Buliblosan faces a number of challenges, including the lack of consensus among residents regarding community development. Additionally, the residents need to strengthen their ability to promote in-depth local tourism. This project is one of many attempts that incorporate the expertise of NTTU’s teachers and students into tourism. They introduce knowledge and technologies of in-depth tourism, mountain recreation, and digital culture to Buliblosan. By doing so, the teachers and students collaborate with local residents to develop sustainable and educational tourism.

This project focuses on the sustainable and educational tourism in an indigenous context. NTTU and local residents work together to explore the strengths of such kind of activities. By attracting the youth to enter or return to their communities, this project aims to raise their awareness for sustainable development. NTTU’s teachers and students also visit the indigenous communities to interact with local residents to enhance the learning processes. Key examples of such interactions include in-depth interviews, oral history, guided tours, and also the production of leaflets, postcards and posters. Moreover, NTTU has participated in tour route design competitions and completed related reports to strengthen its marketing and managing skills regarding tourism. This project helps the indigenous communities in Taitung to sustain their economy and environment.

This project aims to create a new model that emphasizes collaboration, mutual support, and learning between NTTU and indigenous communities inside Taitung. By developing sustainable and educational tourism in Jinfong, this project will continue to find suitable kinds of activities that fit in the other communities.