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Seeding, Crystallization, Sublimation:Project for Elevating High School Science Education in Yunlin-ChiaYi Areas.
National Chung Cheng University

It is unfortunate that Yuan-Lin and Chia-Yi areas lag behind in almost all the social competiveness indices for various reasons. The principal goal of this project is to improve the basic science education by attracting students to science learning programs and by offering high-school teachers opportunities to increase their teaching capabilities. We can effectively reduce the differences in education resources between major cities and rural areas. Hopefully, the areas will gradually produce more and more experts in science and technology. This will also convert the social and economic positions of many local families. Good science education to more areas certainly will also increase the national competiveness in modern world.

This project offers professional courses for local teachers to improve their teaching capabilities, and provides local students a diversity of science activities that currently cannot be arranged by local schools.The project will also create platforms for sharing educational resources and social groups for discussing science learning and teaching. The ultimate purpose is to promote healthy development in science education and to provide friendly science learning environment in the Yuan-Lin and Chia-Yi areas.

The Yuan-Lin and Chia-Yi county are traditionally agriculture areas. The industrial and commercial activities are relatively scarce, and the public transportation is not convenient. As a result, the job opportunities are not promising and the outflow of labor force is serious. Consequently, the areas lack suitable educational resources. This project intends to share the science education resource of the Chung Cheng University to the local schools by providing professional guidance to the local teachers and diversified science learning activities to the local students. Especially, we try to stimulate the students’ interest to science learning, and at the same time improve their reading, writing, and practicing skills. By all these efforts, we hope to reduce the differences in education resources between major cities and rural areas.

We collaborate with the professors of the National Chung Cheng University in natural sciences, information science, engineering, sport science, and colleagues in Nan-Hwa University to form a versatile USR team. The team members and university students plan science learning activities for local high-school students, and prepare teaching material and training programs for local teachers. We also create digital platforms for sharing resources and promoting science education. The goal is to activate excellent science education in this area, provide ample opportunities for students and teachers to be in touch with science knowledge and science activities, and create a science-learning friendly environment.
本計畫希望持續擴大及優化計畫之執行,重點包括: 1.合作學校將逐年加入本校周邊其他國高中,包括嘉義縣大吉國中、嘉義縣竹崎、東石高中,以及雲林縣北港、二崙國中。將服務場域擴大到雲嘉更偏遠之區域。 2.與本校服務學習課程結合,試辦鄰近小學的科普及運動體驗活動,並辦理中小學弱勢學生的課輔活動。 3.擴大經營直播及網路社群媒體,成為地區科教資源及推廣中心。 4.調查雲嘉地區教師進修需求,由本校理、工、教育學院共同籌劃開設「科學教育碩士在職專班」,鼓勵地區中小學教師在職進修,落實專業增能,並培育與未來地方科學教育教師及教育主管之連結。

1. We will expand the list of the collaborating schools in the next few years, including 大吉、竹崎、北港、二崙junior high and東石high schools.We will also seek collaboration with schools in even more remote areas. 2. We will open more USR-related courses in Chung Cheng University, and get more students involved in the learning and servicing for the science education of the local schools. 3. We will expand the service of social media, and make the University a local science education resource and promotion center. 4. If possible, the colleges of science, engineering, and education can co-open a science education mater program for local teachers. This would not only enhance their teaching capabilities but also make good connections between the University and the local education society.