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Empower the people, sustain the environment @ THU

Authentic food and clean air in partner communities
Tunghai University

The utmost purposes of university social responsibility (USR) are to passively resolve specific social problems, and to actively advise a future direction for sustainability. The topic of USR program B in Tunghai University is “Authentic food and clean air in partner communities”, which focuses environment sustainability based on the concerns of food security and air cleanness. Since the air pollution has been the fatal problem nationwide, our main purpose is to empower and motivate the citizens for policy participation.

In order to empower the public on food and agriculture education, accompanied with air clean campaign, we establish a platform for the university, community and government on multidisciplinary cooperation and meaningful conversation. University students and teachers, the public thus may garner consensus on the platform through interdisciplinary courses and variety of workshops. The USR program B in THU is supportive to nearby community and corporate to join our team and take actions on their own initiative.

Tunghai University and the nearby community around Dadu Mountain have been polluted by the development of industrial zones for decades. In addition, because the domestic red clay is not fertile, it results in many agricultural land to be in an abandoned situation, which leads to sanitary and security problems. This is because of a broken linkage between people and the environment, presented in the contempt for agriculture and wastes arbitrarily discharged. Food, land, water…of our environment has become tradable commodity in an industrialized society, and people only knows its price instead of its value. The project attempts to establish a platform for cooperation with local residents, university partnership, local authorities and industrial resources to respond the expectations of local people for the revival of agriculture and the anxiety of air pollution.

The project is based on development of courses platform in a bottom-up manner to link teachers in the school. Moreover, the effectiveness of courses can be integrated, promoted and upgraded through the recruitment of government resources. On implementation level, we empower young generations with interdisciplinary to create future human resources for environmental-friendly industries. We have also constructed a cooperation platform for universities, communities, NPOs, and local authorities to share resources and information. Promisingly public concerns to the environment can arise gradually.
我們將(一)建立課程與活動平台,培力校內外師生。(二)持續凝聚社區民眾與在地小農,重建生產與消費者間的關係,使中臺灣等在地友善農法能永續經營。(三)布建大肚山周圍空汙偵測網,推動公民參與和在地研究,提出改善計畫與成果宣導。(四)提升學術產出、社區參與、公共議題等決策支援。 期許三至五年後東海大學成為地方環境議題的樞紐,帶領中部地區的民眾與在地關心環境永續的公/民團體,持續地關注和參與友善環境的農食育及空汙防制行動,共同承擔環境覺醒議題之發展和經營。

First, we have organized a platform for courses to train teachers and students in universities. Second, we will continue to unite the community and local farmers in middle Taiwan to support environmental-friendly agriculture. Third, a network for air pollution detection around Dadu Mountain has been established to promote citizen participation and related research. Fourth, to improve academic output, community participation, public issues and other support for policy-making. We expect Tunghai University will become the link of the local community, leading people in central Taiwan who are concerned about environmental sustainability to participate in the actions continuously.