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展望竹塹 ; 蛻變舊城
Carryout and expectation of Hsinchu ; transforming the Zhuqian old town

Sustainable place-making of HSINCHU CITY
National Chiao Tung University

Historical Hsinchu old town is identified as a main site for educational experiments and practices. Through courses and activities, students are guided to do practice-based learning and encouraged to investigate the place in order to identify local issues while collaborating with the local communities and the government, aiming at establishing a sustainable and innovative model. It is a goal to joint with the civilized old town and the university to fulfill university's social responsibilities.
國立交通大學USR推動辦公室與中華大學組成課程聯盟,發展和場域深度結合的創意教學,導入服務設計與創創工坊為學分課程,並邀請在地工藝師進入教學系統, 建立學生跨領域之視野與合作能力,強化大學共同教育,培育具備社會意識之大學人才。

National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) and the Chung Hua University (CHU) aims to develop innovative teaching engaged deeply into local regions, and it seeks to build up students’ capability and view in terms of cross-disciplinary learning. With “micro courses” and other local-culture-oriented courses integrated with local cultural elements and craftsmanship, we hope to enhance our universities’ general education and to equip students with the understanding of social responsibility.
新竹市(24°48'24.2"N 120°58'07.9"E)
1、當地文化的流失 2、空間機能待改善 3、人才的青黃不接 4、缺乏行銷策略

1. Local culture lost 2. space function to be improved 3. the talents are not connected 4. Lack of marketing strategy
1、藉由課程規劃安排,培養青年學子對在地的認知與認同 2、透過課程聯盟,推廣在地文化,並與教育學習的接軌 3、舉辦跨校、跨領域的學術及地方活動,活絡竹塹舊城空間場域

1. Cultivate young students' cognition and recognition of the locals through curriculum planning. 2. Promote local culture through curriculum alliances and integrate with education and learning. 3. Organize academic and local activities across schools and interdisciplinary fields, and activate the field of Zhuqian Old town.
以城市中的文化教育、產業發展和基礎建設三個面向切入,以對應地區性的問題並訂定計畫之具體目標,並期望達到下列兩項願景: (一) 都市層面:透過計畫的執行,協助地方文化教育的傳承、舊城區產業的發 展、以及基礎建設的設計規劃。 (二) 教育層面:培養具備在地意識的知識人才(深度認識在地文化、與地方人 士合作交流)、創造青年學子在地發展之機會(青創、進入地方團隊)、培養跨領域、有實踐力之整合性人才(將大學知識學以致用)。

Based on three aspects of a city: cultural education, business development and infrastructure construction – it sets up two long-term goals. First, city-development-driven, is to support the planning and developments in local cultural education, business, retail and infrastructure. Second, education-driven, is to cultivate students with the understanding of local affairs to be able to do cross-disciplinary work and to promote opportunities for them to stay in the local regions after graduation.