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Learn together, Farm together.

Learning by working with farmers - A black bean recultivation activity in Youcai village
Chaoyang University of Technology

This project are trying to make a positive difference to the life and economic well-being of in an agricultural community through our teaching, research, and series of "learning by working with farmers" activities. We are promoting the integration of resources of both on campus and neighboring regions to make connection with the needs in the black bean re-cultivation in our community. Through this project we keep providing transmissible technical resources in a systematic way to support re-creation in regional agriculture. Guided by the organic principle, the native black bean re-cultivation activity would meet the requirement for environmental-friendly agriculture step by step. The output of these actions is expected to be able to stimulate the grade-up in agricultural production as well as the well-beings of the community.
「新農復穀,助農STRONG-同耕共讀」以推動雲林縣褒忠鄉有才村雜糧復耕為焦點,以同耕共學在地陪伴的模式,建構健康耕作、品管驗證、環境評估與行銷創新之助農平台,與社區形成同耕共學之互助機制,由育農人才、助農技術、助農經濟進而與育農產業。健康資材融入黑豆復耕穩定農產品質。檢驗與驗證維護食品安全落實三方管理。追蹤環境品質維護耕種環境永續。創新加工技術結合設計創意,強化行銷推廣。復耕所歷程融入社區凝聚嶄新有才風情。朝陽科大積極發揮大學在教研產學之能量,與農同耕,由耕共學,建構新農復穀,助農STRONG ,呈現新農展望。

This project is trying to make a positive difference to the life and economic well-being of an agricultural community through our teaching, research, and series of "learning by working with farmers" activities. We are promoting the integration of resources of both on campus and neighboring regions to make connection with the needs in the black bean re-cultivation in the community. Through this project we keep providing transmissible technical resources in a systematic way to support re-creation in regional agriculture. Guided by the organic principle, the native black bean re-cultivation activity would meet the requirement for environmental-friendly agriculture step by step. The output of these actions is expected to be able to stimulate the grade-up in agricultural production as well as the well-beings of the community.
雲林縣褒忠鄉(23°41'27.6"N 120°18'13.5"E)

The need of the improvement of cultivation technology, the maintenance of the sustainability agricultural field, the control and monitoring of the product quality, the improvement of food process technology and the consideration of the labor in the community for stimulating the consensus for the re-cultivation of black-bean.
與場域偕同設立同耕共讀系統,執行下列行動方案 一、健康耕作:籌組耕種團隊建立「學習點」、由蟲害防治結合病害管理與土壤肥力,採取環境友善及安全無毒耕種模式,逐步由慣行農法導入環境友善農法。 二、品管驗證:作物及加工品品質監測、農藥殘留及重金屬含量檢測、及黴菌毒素含量檢測及汙染調查,建立生產履歷制度。 三、環境評估:耕作環境監控、土壤肥力分析,農藥鄰田汙染監控與評估。 四、行銷創新:加工技術輔導,架構雜糧運維擴散平台,結合在地文化特色,賦予農作物具有溫度的在地故事,建立品牌,創造持續穩定之經濟效益。

Establish the “learning with farmers” co-learning system to carry the following projects with the target: 1. Eco-friendly farming technique: “learning base” for cultivation team to promote farming method leading the transformation of cultivation method from conventional farming into non-toxic model. 2. Quality control and assurance: investigation of product safety including pesticide residue, heavy metal and mycotoxin content in crops and products to establish the traceability system. 3. Cultivation field monitoring: monitoring soil fertility and quality and the pesticide pollution to ensure the sustainability of environment. 4. Marketing innovation: constructing the marketing platform for native crops, initiate a brand with native culture to promise the stability of Economic benefit
對學校:整合建立持續運作之社會責任實踐推動專責小組;逐步將社會責任實踐模式融入教學規劃,引導教研方向;以解決社區發展問題為導向,促成跨院系及區域產學之整合。 對場域 :建立具中小型產業規模之黑豆生產基地,形成雜糧復耕聚落;以技術之有才、健康之有才,型塑在地品牌,展開多元行銷;由雜糧復耕索引動之生機,展現地方嶄新文化風情。

On campus: Integrating social responsibility practice models into teaching planning, guiding the direction of teaching and research on campus, promoting interdisciplinary cooperation and industry-academia connection. In the field: Establish a black bean production base with a small and medium-sized industry scale, to bring out the cultural and economic vitality of the field by the re-cultivation activity.