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Innovating, Entrepreneuring and Revitalizing in Kaohsiung Old Port and New Bay Communities
National Sun Yat-sen University
高雄市作為南台灣「港都」,旗鼓鹽與前鎮是高雄市最早開發與繁榮的政經與產業中心。然而,中山大學的學生在這生活了4年,卻難以想像那個老師口中說的:「海面停滿了等待進港的貨櫃船」的繁榮景象。 中山大學的師生,對於舊港區經濟文化生活的式微,前鎮區的沒落與認同的遺失,有一份天然的社會責任。我們希望帶領學生,進入社區,透過專業知能與創新設計,為社區生活方式痕跡重組加值,與社區夥伴一起創新機制扶持社區弱勢,重建社區認同與價值。

Kaohsiung City is the “Harbor Capital” in South Taiwan. The “Old Port District” and Qianzhen were the earliest economic and industrial centers in Kaohsiung City. However, it is hard to for students at NSYSU to imagine its old prosperous days. As the decline of Old Port District’s cultural life and the loss of community identity, professors of NSYSU hope to lead students into the community. Through professional knowledge and innovative design, the value of the community lifestyle would be rebuilt and the identity of the community would be forged.
隨著都市發展與產業轉型,高雄「舊港區」面臨高齡化、經濟停緩、青年疏離等問題,「新灣區」也在尋找社區意義與在地認同。 本計劃提出「鹽埕設計創新生活實驗室」、「山海共榮:公共事務在地實踐」、「丑果盛食廚房共享經濟」、「新灣生活數位內容創業培力」四個在地實踐計劃,目標是以創新與設計能量陪伴社區翻轉新藝,為社區生活方式痕跡重組加值,並帶領年輕學子透過創新機制扶持社區弱勢,重拾舊港活力、再創新灣魅力。

Kaohsiung Old Port has been facing the problem of population aging, economic pause and youth alienation and other issues with the ongoing development of the city and the industrial transformation. Furthermore, the New Bay area is also seeking for its community identity. In this project, four social practice projects are: “Yancheng Living Lab of Design and Innovation,” “Co-prosperity in mountain and coastal areas: Public affairs and local praxis,” “Clown Food Kitchen Sharing Economy,” and “New Bay Digital Life and Entrepreneurship.” The objective of the project is to overturn the community with innovative and design energy. The young students would also walk into the community and create new out of old. As community has been enhanced, the enchantment of the Old Port would be revived.
高雄市鼓山區(22°38'12.5"N 120°16'51.8"E) 高雄市鹽埕區(22°37'29.0"N 120°17'12.5"E) 高雄市前鎮區(22°35'11.7"N 120°19'06.1"E) 高雄市旗山區(22°53'19.1"N 120°29'00.6"E) 高雄市旗津區(22°35'24.1"N 120°17'05.0"E)

To promote university students multi-learning and innovate and start their own businesses through entering the local community, and respond to the four issues that Kaohsiung Old Hong Kong New Bay is facing: "People of Old Age and Socially Vulnerable groups Increase", "Local Economy lack the linking of innovation, "Youth Population Shift Out the Native Community" and "Residents lack Local Identity "

The program integrates more than 20 courses from the Sun Yat-sen University People's Center, takes Kaohsiung's "Old Port New Bay" community and its surrounding seifrom as a practice area, and through the PACE Methodology and CEES (Cooperative Training and Promotion Services) architecture, with the framework of “Yancheng Living Lab of Design and Innovation,” “Co-prosperity in mountain and coastal areas: Public affairs and local praxis,” “Clown Food Kitchen Sharing Economy,” and “New Bay Digital Life and Entrepreneurship.” Four Practice Plans on the ground, to achieve the goal of promoting universities to enter the community multi-learning, innovation and entrepreneurship in the local area, responding to local weakness and care needs, creating new living water for local economy, leading young people into the community, and promoting local identity and other goals.

National Sun Yat-sen University is looking forward to the promotion of the Kaohsiung Municipal Government's "Asia New Bay Area" program, which will be a good helper to accompany the local community. In the next three to five years, Sun Yat-sen University hopes that through the USR project "Innovation, Creation and Entrepreneurship in Kaohsiung New Bay Old Port", the transitional community in the city will be able to transform itself from the bottom floor and face the renewal of the whole region smoothly. NSYSU is also looking forward to seeing more talents from the cooperation between the university and the community, willing to stay in the community to develop career. More hope that the community can become a university field classroom at the same time, but also develop a new mode of operation and economic model, and then find out the success of local creation.